Ажлын бус цагаар, амралт, баярын өдрүүдэд манай хамт олон дуудлагаар түргэн шуурхай эмнэлгийн үйлчилгээ үзүүлж байна. Бид хөдөө орон нутгийн хүрч очиход бэрхшээлтэй аль ч газраас Улаанбаатар хот руу яаралтай нүүлгэн шилжүүлэлт хийхээс гадна олон улсын “Интернэшнл СОС-ын” 24 цагийн яаралтай тусламжийн төвтэй хамтран гадаад улс руу нүүлгэн шилжүүлэлтийг зохион байгуулж гүйцэтгэдэг.
We have a fully equipped emergency room with a resuscitation area complete with oxygen, ventilator, monitoring and intubation capabilities.
After hours, on weekends and on public holidays we have a medical professional on site at all times. This means members and visitors will be able to come to the clinic at the time of need and start receiving medical assistance immediately. The rest of the medical crew are on a call-out service basis, therefore you could also dial our emergency lines to request directions and assistance. Please also be assured that the phones are always on, but it may be necessary to retry or dial one of the other numbers as occasionally there may be problems with the phone service providers.
Our global partner, International SOS, operates a network of 27 assistance centres strategically positioned around the world. All assistance centres are operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by a team of logistical coordinators, supported by an in-house medical team.
The Assistance Centre medical team based in Beijing along with the Mongolia team provide general medical support to members and visitors in our Mongolia location. In cases, where a medical evacuation is recommended /domestic or international/, our medical professionals assess the patient’s status, provide medical advice with practical assistance as well as taking on all logistical responsibility.