The medical laboratory was accredited by the National Accreditation Center of Mongolia on January 14, 2022, under the MNS ISO 15189:2015 “Healthcare Laboratories – Requirements for Quality and Competence” standard, and then successfully accredited by the US International Accreditation System under the ISO 15189:2012 “Healthcare Laboratories – Requirements for Quality and Competence” standard in 2022, successfully underwent a surveillance assessment in 2023, and was re-accredited in 2024 under the new version of the ISO 15189:2022 “Healthcare Laboratories – Requirements for Quality and Competence” standard.
- General blood test
- General analysis of urine and determination of urine sediment
- Biochemical tests: liver function, kidney function, fat metabolism, sugar, protein, electrolytes, minerals, and others
- Immunological tests: quantitative and qualitative tests for thyroid function, heart markers, vitamin D, tumor markers, detection of hepatitis B and C viruses, antibodies to hepatitis B virus, antibodies to HIV, antibodies to Covid 19 infection
- Bacteriological examination: culture of upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract, wound, intestinal tract infections, antibiotic sensitivity
- For molecular biological analysis: RT-PCR test for detecting Covid-19 infection, detection of some sexually transmitted infections by RT-PCR.
- The introduction of the IGRA test for the detection of tuberculosis infection has diagnostic significance, such as the detection of latent infection and the detection of non-pulmonary tuberculosis.